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Yin/Yang means that everything has its opposite within it. Yin & Yang struggle with and control each other, yet we need a balance of Yin/Yang in our life. Yin and Yang are not separate items; they always appear together when speaking about the principles of Yin/Yang. The list is
endless with Yi / Yang.

1.        Yin meridians are on the front of the body
2.        The lower part of the body, the interior part of the body, and the abdomen are all Yin
3.        Yin organ is called a Zang (Kidney, Heart, Pericardium, Lungs, Spleen, and Liver)
4.        Feminine qualities
5.        Passive
6.        Vertical
7.        Dark side of the mountain
8.        Shade
9.        Dark
10.        Stillness

11.        Inside
12.        Anatomy
13.        Blood
14.        Heavy
15.        Night
16.        Winter
17.        Centrifugal - movement from the center of the body
18.        Contracting
19.        Flat
20.        Cold
21.        Wet
22.        Inside
23.        Down
24.        Opaque
25.        Big
26.        Earth
27.        Moon
28.        Tail of the coin

1.        Yang meridians are on the back of the body
2.        The upper part of the body, the exterior part of the body, and the back are all Yang
3.        Yang organ is called a Fu (Small Intestine, Triple Warmer, Stomach, Large Intestine,
Gallbladder and Urinary Bladder)
4.        Masculine qualities
5.        Active
6.        Horizontal
7.        Sunny side of the mountain
8.        Brightness
9.        Light
10.        Activity
11.        Outside
12.        Physiology
13.        Qi energy
14.        Light
15.        Day
16.        Summer
17.        Centripetal -  movement toward the center of the body
18.        Expanding
19.        Round
20.        Hot
21.        Dry
22.        Outside
23.        Up
24.        Clear
25.        Small
26.        Heaven
27.        Sun
28.        Head of a coin

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