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Jeanier Rub Massager Red SPa Management National Massage Championship World Massage Championship
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Rules before the treatment

• Some therapists include some energy work into their massage (Ask permission before performing any energy work).
• Be careful of lumping religion and energy work together.
• Do not diagnose.
• For male clients: remove glasses, vest, jacket, tie, and belt, shoes, have his pockets emptied.
• For female clients: remove glasses, shoes, belt, scarves, and jewelry around the neck, no girdles, and no tight pantyhose.
• Have the client lay on the table without their shoes.
• Do not have the client cross his or her arms or legs while you are giving a treatment.

Center & grounding
• Center & Ground yourself before the treatment begins.
• Centering is a way to self-awareness and owning yourself and your energy.
• Grounding means that you are solidly anchored and connected in the present, secure, calm and alert.

The treatment
• Some time is spent sharing thoughts and feelings, which enable the practitioner to assess your energetic system and life focus.
• The therapist might recite a mantra or using another meditation method.
• Always go over the body without touching it to find problem areas before you start the treatment.
• Always ground the client before you start (Hold the client’s feet).
• A treatment includes placing the hands on or above the body working from the head to the feet.
• Visualize energy flowing through your hands to your client
• Energy work is usually given with little to no touch.
• You could just hold your hands on a problem area for up to 5 minutes (With little to no pressure).
• The therapist's hands are held flat against the client's body, with the fingertips touching.
• The client usually turns over once during the session.
• You can treat the posterior side of the body.
• You can treat the anterior and posterior side of the body at the same time.
• Be careful not to cross your hands on the client’s body.
• Some therapists believe they can feel energy from 4 to 8 inches others believe they can feel energy up to 3 feet away.
• Always keep your fingers together while you are giving a treatment.
• Chakra Balancing is healing techniques, which are intended to clear the blockages restricting the flow of energy in the chakras or psychic energy centers in the etheric body located in various points that range from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.

• Feel for Hot or Cold places on the body (They might indicate problem areas).
• The sensations you could feel are tingling, vibrations, heat, cold & about any other feelings you could imagine.

Rules before the treatment
• Some therapists include some energy work into their massage (Ask permission before performing any energy work).
• Be careful of lumping religion and energy work together.
• Do not diagnose.
• For male clients: remove glasses, vest, jacket, tie and belt, shoes, have his pockets emptied.
• For female clients: remove glasses, shoes, belt, scarves, jewelry around the neck, no girdles and no tight pantyhose.
• Have the client lay on the table without their shoes.
• Do not have the client cross his or her arms or legs while you are giving a treatment.

• If it works for one client, it might not work for the next.
• If the client does not believe in it but still wants to try it, it will more than likely be relaxing for him or her.
• Everyone has a different viewpoint of energy work, so do not get frustrated when someone tells you that you are doing it wrong, they are the person that is doing it wrong by making you believe their beliefs.

• Light pressure goes through the skin and into the bone.
• Some therapists only take donations for energy work treatments.
• Therapeutic touch is getting popular in hospitals for nurses.
• Energy work is used a lot more for hospice patients.
• You can use energy work on your belongings.
• Some people believe the theory behind energy work is that it increases red blood cells to the area of being treated.
• Encourage the patient to rest, for at least 10 minutes following treatment to gain maximum benefit.
• Learn to see other peoples Auras.
• Colors of the Auras mean different things.
• Both the therapist and client can feel the energy.
• Energy work generally has no side effects, as it is a very low impact and gentle procedure.
• To feel your own energy, imagine a ball of energy and play with it back and forth, the closer you get with your hands the more intense it should feel.
• Teach the client self-energy work.
• Energy work is known to work with animals and plants as well.
• An energy therapist can also "send" a treatment to another person who is not in the same room or location.
• Energy work is given with the clothes on 99% of the time.

Chakras can become blocked through an emotional upset, such as conflict, loss, or accident. Fear, anxiety, and stress are common causes of chakra malfunction. When blocks accumulate in the field, a disruption in the flow of energy through the Chakras result. It is these blocks that disrupt the Harmony in the field and eventually are the cause of disease, as well as, emotional and mental disorders in the physical body.

It is a non-manipulative technique used to channel healing energy to the client through the practitioner's hands. Using certain touch points on or off the body, the field is cleared of blocks, the chakras are restructured, and a new level of awareness is reached.

Grounded means being fully present: physically, emotionally, and energetically. It means your mind is not wandering or pulling your energy elsewhere. Your heart and soul are not searching somewhere in the past or looking into the future. (Take a deep breath ... there, you're grounded!) Being fully present is life. To be present in the moment is as easy as breathing, and it's an act of power to be aware of it.

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