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Jeanier Rub Massager Red SPa Management National Massage Championship World Massage Championship

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Face up and bolster under the client’s knees.
PRONE - Face down and bolster under the client’s ankles.
CHEST SUPPORT - Have the client lay supine with a pillow under their chest
Have the client lay on either side and pillows between legs, under head and hug a pillow.
LATERAL RECUMBENT - Named for the side that is down (Left or Right).
SIDE ELEVATED - Have the client lay either supine or prone and then put pillows under one side of the body.
SEMI-RECLINED - Pillows under client’s head and pillows under client’s legs.
SITTING - Have the client sit in the middle of the table with their feet off the table and then place the feet under a chair.
SIMS POSITION - The client is lateral recumbent with the upper body prone and the hips and knees flexed.
LEG OFF - Have the client move to one side of the table and have one of their legs hang
off the table.
NEST - Client lays prone with pillows around their stomach and chest and a gap where the client’s stomach is.
CHILD POSE - Client sits on their knees (a bolster under their ankles and then a pillow placed in between their glutes and calves for comfort), either on the center of the table or floor.
CHILD DOWN - Client sits on their knees (a bolster under their ankles for comfort) and then leans over on 3 pillows with no pressure on their stomach, either on the center of the table or floor.

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